Coming Soon
“Watchful, Waiting…” tells the story of Annie Stalling, a spry SoCal transplant who manages a renowned compliance team at a prestigious New York law firm taking on a male-dominated field, where she grooms strong leaders. Annie is planning her wedding after a three-year engagement, though she continues to ignore her inner voice about her fiancé.
She’s on the cusp of getting everything she ever wanted. A few more big audits to prove her value puts that shiny Chief Compliance Officer-title above her name plate. Why would she stop now? Even if everything in her life shifts one-hundred and eighty degrees each time she exits her office building’s sliding glass doors.
Meanwhile, Eli knows breaking it off with Annie four years ago was his biggest mistake, but he must try. People like Annie only come around once in a lifetime. Will Eli’s meddling mother be too much for them? Will their careers be the wedge that drives them apart? Will he simply not be enough?
She’s on the cusp of getting everything she ever wanted. A few more big audits to prove her value puts that shiny Chief Compliance Officer-title above her name plate. Why would she stop now? Even if everything in her life shifts one-hundred and eighty degrees each time she exits her office building’s sliding glass doors.
Meanwhile, Eli knows breaking it off with Annie four years ago was his biggest mistake, but he must try. People like Annie only come around once in a lifetime. Will Eli’s meddling mother be too much for them? Will their careers be the wedge that drives them apart? Will he simply not be enough?
A Word From The Author
There’s a succession of elements that follow and define the melody of my prose, providing its pitch and unique rhythm. You glimpse a different space, an alternate point of view. Ultimately, the passion is what you witness, whether it’s in my poetry, articles, or stories.
Amy C. yarnall
Author and poet.
Cerulean Skies
So when you rest, rest in the knowing, and in the knowing not that or this land. For in the quiet peace and in any restless uncertainty, whichever beckons you—yield. For whichever weather...
Read MoreMotivation
Keep moving. Plan. Execute and keep the faith This is how you get everything you crave Match life’s constancy with your powerful stride Feel the intensity barring down Meet it boldly, pound for...
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